PCI Analytics Pvt . Ltd.
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Nitrogen Generator for Nitrogen Concentrator / Turbo Evaporator

Technical Specification :
Principle Specifications NG-02T
Moisture 50-200 ppm
Total Hydro Carbon < 10 ppm
CO & CO2 < 10 ppm
Purity 95%
Micro Particulates < 0.01μ
Capacity of N2 Generator 50 LPM to 300 LPM at 60 psig (as per selection of model)
Method of purification Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA)
Room temperatur 15 °C - 25 °C
Start up time 1 hrs
Electrical requirements 230 V AC, 50 Hz, 1 Phase for Generator &
Air Compressor 440 V AC, 50Hz, 3 Phase
Dimension of N2 Generators in mm 800H X 400W X 800D ( for 50 LPM)
800H X 400W X 900D (for 100 LPM)
800H X 400W X 900D (for 140 LPM)
1200H X 900W X 900D (for 200 LPM)
1400H X 900W X 900D (for 300 LPM)
Net Weight 100 kg - 300kg (as per selection of model)
Installation Diagram for Nitrogen Generator for Nitrogen Concentrator / Turbo Evaporator: