Technical Specifications :
- Fully S.S. Body & S.S. Tank
- Digital, Micro controller based timer
- Operating frequency 33 +/-3 KHz
- Compact, rugged and highly durable systems
- With Standard supply of lid, basket etc.
- PSP mode-Pulse sweep power for uniform distribution of ultrasonic energy
- Transducers- PZT type bonded to the bottom of the tank (Imported make) with weld bond technique.
- Auto degassing present 5 minutes for ultrasonic tank
- Ultrasonic Generator power supply through advanced IGBT based SMPS.
- Temperature controller- Digital temperature controller with setting range 10°C to room temperature max 35°C
- Puff solution - Puff solution covered out side of the tank to safe guard the transducer & maintain the water temperature.
Including chiller unit consist of :
- Digital temperature controller & PT 100 sensor
- Compressor power - 450/535W
- Compressor capacity - 926/1077 kcal/h
- Compressor type - Hermatically sealed gas compressor
- Data Ouput
- Printing Facility
- Alarm, Water level Sensor
Ultrasonic breakdown (main PCB board) indication on front panel
Capacity of Bath : Min. 10 ltr. & above